Paper in AAAI-2021
Too long story. I will summarize it in few points.
It was quite long effort after several failures.
The work almost went for 3 semesters.
Semester 1 was quite heavy and sincere work. Heavy brain storming with Prof. Vineeth, Ravi and Rahul.
We brought the paper to a good level and submitted it to IJCAI.
It did not get through.
Sem 1 + 1/2 finishes.
We improved it further and submitted it to CIKM.
CIKM could not accept it as it had no appropriate reviewers for the topic.
Semester 2 + summer finishes.
We improved it further.
Submitted it to AAAI-2021.
Finally got it accepted before the end of semester 3.
Here are details to the paper:
Authors: Adepu Ravi Shankar*, Yash Khasbage*, Rahul Vigneswaran, Vineeth N Balasubramanian
Title: A Deeper Look at the Hessian Eigenspectrum of Deep Neural Networks and its Applications to Regularization
I am grateful to Ravi for sharing the first author with me. Learned a lot from him!!!